8 research outputs found

    A public value based method to select services for a no-stop shop implementation

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    Nowadays, public organizations become proactive in their service delivery such that they approach their clients and not vice versa. In the most advanced case, the no-stop shop, clients do not have to do anything to receive a public service. Public organizations offer many services and several of them could potentially be delivered through a no-stop shop. Therefore, public organizations need assistance in the decision which services they realize in a no-stop shop first. To address this issue, we present a method for the prioritization of public services for the implementation in a no-stop shop. The rationale of our method is that public organizations should prefer those services that are expected to provide the highest public value. We followed a design-oriented research approach and combined seminal works on no-stop shop and public value. The method was evaluated through the application in a workshop at a municipality

    Fast and Federal—Policies for Next-Generation Federalism in Germany

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    Federalism and e-government are important to many countries across the globe but come up with two contradicting characteristics that are especially existent in Germany. First, citizens and businesses want to receive e-government services easily but the identification of government entities that are responsible for service delivery in federal states is difficult. Second, e-government has to react to fast developments but decision-making is distributed and rather slow in federal states. To address the area of tension between federalism and e-government, we suggest seven polices that raise internal efficiency and external simplicity of federalism in Germany. We transfer existing policies of e-government literature and practice to our research problem in the course of discussions in a research group of five people. The policies are evaluated in semi-structured interviews with eleven leaders from the German government. The evaluation reveals the appropriateness of the policies to address the issues of federalism in e-government

    Machbarkeitsstudie zu den IT-technischen Anforderungen einer weitergehenden Digitalisierung im Bereich Soziale Sicherheit

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    Ausgehend von der erfolgten Einführung des EESSI-Verfahrens ist es Aufgabe dieser Kurzstudie, weitere Digitalisierungspotentiale im Bereich der sozialen Sicherheit in Deutschland zu identifizieren. Dabei wurde eine mittel- bis langfristige Perspektive eingenommen, um Potentiale der Digitalisierung in Form von aktuellen und innovativen Konzepten und Technologien aufzuzeigen. Die Identifizierung dieser Potentiale erfolgte auf Basis von semi-strukturierten Interviews mit Experten aus der Praxis, die sowohl mit dem EESSI-Verfahren als auch generell mit den Themen der Digitalisierung im Bereich der Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit vertraut sind. Dabei konnten im Verlauf der Studie sowohl regionale, überregionale und bundesweite Organisationen konsultiert werden, um ein breites Bild der aktuellen Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Bereich der Digitalisierung abzuleiten. Neben dem EESSI-Verfahren wurde allgemein über die aktuellen Potentiale im Zuge der Digitalisierung diskutiert. Zur Adressierung der Herausforderungen wurden Digitalisierungspotentiale identifiziert, die aus einer Nutzenperspektive sowohl für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger als auch für die Anwender beim Sozialversicherungsträger betrachtet wurden. Zusätzlich wurde, sofern es möglich war, diskutiert, inwiefern die aufgezeigten Digitalisierungswege Betrug und Missbrauch in den Systemen der sozialen Sicherheit eindämmen oder ganz verhindern können. Die insgesamt acht aus den diskutierten Herausforderungen abgeleiteten Digitalisierungspotentiale wurden durch dedizierte Handlungsempfehlungen operationalisiert. Diese Digitalisierungspotentiale zeigen erste Wege auf, die im Rahmen einer zukünftig fortschreitenden Digitalisierung im Bereich der sozialen Sicherheit und der Sozialversicherungen bedacht werden sollten.Based on the recent introduction of EESSI, the task of this study is to identify further digitalization potential for the Systems of Social Security in Germany. In doing so, a medium to long-term perspective was adopted in order to highlight the potential of digitalization in the form of and on the basis of current and innovative concepts and technologies. The identification of the potential in different areas was based on semi-structured interviews with experts who are familiar with EESSI and general topics linked to the digitalization of the Social Security system in Germany. During this study, it was possible to consult regional and federal organizations in order to allow for the development of a broad picture of the current challenges concerning ongoing and future digitalization efforts. Next to EESSI, the conducted interviews discussed general challenges linked to digitalization processes. Based on these challenges, the digitalization potential was derived in different application areas. In doing so, multiple perspectives have been applied, to discuss not only potential benefits for the employees and the social security institutions, but also the benefits for citizens. If applicable, the derived potential was discussed in terms of its ability to prevent fraud and misuse within the systems of Social Security in Germany. In total, eight potential digitization approaches were derived and operationalized in the form of dedicated recommendations for action. They may show first paths that should be considered in the context of the future digitalization actions in the area of Social Security in Germany

    Sustainable MOOC Platforms - Searching for Business Models of the Future

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    MOOCs went through a typical hype. The promising concept attracted many companies and educational institutions, leading to a massive rush of enrollments. This trend of massive growth lasted for about three years. MOOCs turned out to exhibit several shortcomings, including high production costs and massive drop-out rates. As the world is confronted with pandemic-induced lockdowns, MOOCs are considered viable options to keep up education systems, with traditional methods becoming unavailable. To sustainably unfold MOOCs\u27 inherent advantages and extend their range and acceptance, a deeper understanding of the underlying business models is needed. Using the well-known Business Model Canvas combined with a classical web-content analysis, we set forth to chart existing MOOC platform business models. Based on the identified concepts, we seek to identify problematic and promising patterns as a basis for optimization. We present preliminary results and formulate propositions that will guide our future research

    The Data Doesn\u27t Lie—An Approach for Form Usability Evaluation Based on Data Quality

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    Forms are essential for service delivery in public administrations as they enable the exchange of data between citizens and the administration. Although administrations rely on an adequate quality of the data transmitted through forms for their decision-making, unfortunately, the data are often of unsatisfactory quality, which can usually be traced back to the data sources: forms. Current research on form design is aligned with the needs of citizens while disregarding the relationship between forms and the administration’s data quality. However, addressing this relationship can be beneficial to indicate further weaknesses in form design. Therefore, in this research-in-progress paper, we consider both form design and data quality. We follow a design-oriented research approach to address the following research goal: Design of metrics for evaluating the fulfillment of usability guidelines for form design using data submitted through forms. Hence, we investigate which form design guidelines are suitable for being evaluated through submitted data and their quality, and we present first metrics. The evaluation of the metrics is part of future work. Our paper is a first step to theoretically relate data quality dimensions and form usability guidelines. Public administrations can use our metrics to further improve their forms

    Prozessmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung : Status quo und Handlungsempfehlungen zur Verwaltungsmodernisierung:Fokus: Prozessmanagement als Hebel zur Digitalisierung und OZG-Umsetzung

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    Geschäftsprozessmanagement ist ein wichtiger Baustein für die Digitalisierung und Modernisierung des öffentlichen Sektors. Dennoch wird Prozessmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung in sehr unterschiedlichem Umfang angewendet. Auf Basis einer Umfrage von über 700 Teilnehmer*innen wird daher der aktuelle Stand des Prozessmanagements in der öffentlichen Verwaltung Deutschlands untersucht. Die Studie liefert Einblicke über Anwendung, Verbreitung und Ausmaß des Prozessmanagements über alle föderalen Ebenen hinweg.Business process management is an important building block for the digitalization and modernization of the public sector. Nevertheless, process management is applied to very different extents in public administration. Based on a survey of over 700 participants, the current state of process management in Germany's public administration is therefore examined. The study provides insights into the application, spread and extent of process management across all federal levels